
Showing posts from December, 2017

Replicating Netflix Part 3: Setting up a network for Raspberry PI Clusters

Previous chapter: Replicating Netflix Part 2: Casing up our tiny kick-ass cluster nodes (Raspberry PIs) This is the third part of my "Replicating Netflix" series. The article's goal is to demonstrate the steps required to setup a simple network that would enable Raspberry PIs to communicate with each other and access the Internet. At the end of this article, we will be able to achieve the following: Have a properly documented physical network layer Setup an additional router that serves as an extender Have static IPs for our Raspberry PIs Ensure zero conflicting IPs between DHCP leased clients and static node IPs SSH to our Raspberry PIs. Access the Internet using our Raspberry PIs The Raspberry PI 3 Cluster Network Diagram Above is a network diagram that describes the target network topology for our Raspberry PI cluster. It would be important to pay attention on t...

Replicating Netflix Part 2: Casing up our tiny kick-ass cluster nodes (Raspberry PIs)

Part 1: Replicating Netflix Part 1: Installing Raspbian Jessie Lite using Etcher This post is a continuation of my Replicating Netflix series. Yesterday , We have learned how to burn some Raspbian Jessie Lite instances on Samsung Micro SHDC UHS1 SD cards. Today we will integrate the Jessie SD cards to our Raspberry PIs and pimp them up with some cheap cases while waiting for our clear acrylic cluster case. Why use Raspberry PIs for your cluster? I have picked Raspberry PIs for clustering because: The power and compute they provide fit container based architectures. They are very cheap cores that are worth investing money with. They are extremely portable. What's Needed 4 pieces of Raspberry PIs I am planning to scale it out to 6 cluster nodes if the need arises. It would cost around 50 SGD at the time of writing (D...